Project Implementation

Project Implementation

  1.   Policy concerns review:

The study policy concerns, methodology, parameters, and data collection instruments were reviewed by SEACMEQ National Research Coordinators (NRC) and members of the SEACMEQ Research Committee (SRC) during a working meeting from 7th to 12th October 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

       b. Development of data collection instrument items:

Data collection instruments were developed during 2018 to 2020; typically starting with cross-curricular analysis and ending with the final selection of instrument items. The instruments comprised of both link (old) and new items. The development exercise was carried out during working meetings hosted by different member countries (Botswana, Mauritius, and Namibia) as part of empowerment and capacity building.

       c. Pre-testing data collection instruments:

Pre-testing SEACMEQ V data collection instruments was hosted by Uganda in July 2019. Members of the SRC and NRC from eleven education systems (Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Seychelles, Uganda, Zanzibar, and Zimbabwe) fully participated in the exercise. 

        d. Pilot testing data collection instruments:

During October 2019 – January 2020, pilot testing of SEACMEQ V data collection instruments was conducted in eight member countries (Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe). Data capturing and cleaning were done by the country teams using the Data Management Expert (DME) software provided by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). Technical support in data analysis was also provided by IEA. Training and facilitation were provided by SEACMEQ Coordinating Centre (SCC).

        e. Data collection and cleaning:

The first two countries (Kenya and South Africa) collected data in August-September 2021. Due to significant variation in within-country COVID-19 disruptions, huge gaps exist among participating entities in implementing data collection such that the last three countries are yet to ensure data collection before the end of April 2023. All participating Ministries are yet to complete 100 percent of data cleaning.