Management and Administration of Education

The education sector is managed mainly by two Ministries: the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Science and Technology and Vocational Training (MSTVT). The Ministry of Education is responsible for providing primary and secondary education, teacher training and continuing education. It is also responsible at a policy level for university and pre-school education. On the other hand, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training, through the Department of Technical Education and Vocational Training (DTEVT), offers training at technologist, technician, and craft levels in technically oriented programmes.

There are also two other ministries that have smaller-scale involvement in the provision of education. These are: the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child evelopment (MSYCD) and the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS). These two ministries offer apprenticeship skills training and adult literacy programmes.

The Education system is managed through the Provincial Education Offices and the District Educational offices. The Provincial Education offices coordinates and supervises the Districts which in turn supervises the schools in their respective districts. School management boards are also directly involved in the day to day provision of education.

See the SACMEQ reports for more information.