Research Papers and Theses

Masters and Doctoral Theses

Analysis of the Relationship between Teacher Characteristics and Learner Performance in Grade 6 English Reading in Namibia.
Written by
Katali H.I.A.

Masters Thesis, University of Western Cape, South Africa.

Papers from the 2005 International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference

Research Papers

Written by
Christelle Garrouste

International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 31, Issue 3, May 2011, pp 223-233

Nicholas Spaull
Primary School Performance in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa. SACMEQ Working Paper Nr. 8
Juliana Nzomo and Demus Makuwa
How can countries move from cross-national research results to dissemination and then to policy reform? (Case studies from Kenya and Namibia), in: Kenneth N. Ross and Ilona Jürgens Genevois (Eds.) Cross-national Studies of the Quality of Education, Paris: IIEP/UNESCO, Chapter 10, pp 213-228.