SACMEQ Reports

SACMEQ III reports

Policy Brief

Tanzania (mainland)
Written by
Ponera G. Mhonyiwa J. & Mrutu A.
in SACMEQ III reports, Policy Brief, Tanzania (mainland)
Tanzania (mainland)
Written by
Mhonyiwa E., Ponera G., & Mrutu A.
in SACMEQ III reports, Policy Brief, Tanzania (mainland)
Tanzania (mainland)
Written by
Ponera G., Mhonyiwa E.M., & Mrutu A.S.
in SACMEQ III reports, Policy Brief, Tanzania (mainland)
Tanzania (mainland)
Written by
Ponera G., Mhonyiwa E.M., & Mrutu A.S.
in SACMEQ III reports, Policy Brief, Tanzania (mainland)

National Reports

Tanzania (mainland)
Written by
Mhonyiwa E.M., Ponera P. & Mrutu A.S.
in SACMEQ III reports, National Reports, Tanzania (mainland)
SACMEQ II reports

National Reports

Tanzania (mainland)
Written by
Mrutu A., Ponera G., Nkumbi E.

Harare: SACMEQ.

in SACMEQ II reports, National Reports, Tanzania (mainland)

  • National Policy Briefs:
Ponera, G., Mhonyiwa, J. E. &
Mrutu, A. S.
Trends in Achievement Levels of Grade 6 Pupils in Tanzania Mainland
Mhonyiwa, J. E.,
Ponera, G., &
Mrutu, A. S.
Learner and Teacher knowledge about HIV and AIDS in Tanzania Mainland
Mhonyiwa, J. E.,
Ponera, G., &
Mrutu, A. S.
Progress in Gender Equality in Education: Tanzania Mainland
Ponera, G., Mhonyiwa, J. E. &
Mrutu, A. S.
Quality of Primary School Inputs in
Tanzania Mainland