The SACMEQ Coordinating Centre reports good progress

The SACMEQ IV Project

The main achievement of the SACMEQ Coordinating Centre in the last two years has been the successful implementation of the ongoing SACMEQ IV Project. This was reported by the SACMEQ Acting Director during the 9th Session of the SACMEQ Assembly of Ministers that was held at the IIEP in Paris France on 3rd November 2013. In consultation and with the involvement of the SACMEQ Scientific Committee and the National Research Coordinators, all the key preparatory stages of the Project have been implemented. Most of the countries (12 out of 15) had already undertaken the Main Data Collection and were in the process of entering and cleaning data.  Angola which is the 16th member of the Consortium is working closely with Mozambique as a way of developing its capacity. The SCC is on course to reporting on the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets for SACMEQ countries by September 2014.