SACMEQ NEWS February 2013

SACMEQ Working Meeting on “Computer-Based Data Processing of SACMEQ IV Pilot Study Data, and Sampling Procedures for the SACMEQ IV Main Study” in Lusaka, Zambia

The SACMEQ National Research Co-ordinators and their Deputies posing for a photo with Zambia Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Hon. Dr. John T. N. Phiri (front row, fifth from left) and Mrs. Toziba Masalila, acting Director of SACMEQ (front row, fourth from left).
Click on the photo to enlarge it.

From 11-15 February 2013, National research Coordinators met for their third working meeting at the Grand Palace Hotel in Lusaka Zambia. The NRCs and their Deputies received training on the new data processing software and procedures that will be used during the SACMEQ IV Project, and “hands-on” practical experience in data cleaning, data analysis, and drawing samples of schools in preparation for the Main study data collection in their respective countries.

The meeting was officially opened by the Zambia Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Honorable Dr. John T. N. Phiri. In his address to the meeting, Honorable Dr. Phiri reiterated the importance of reporting study results timely with the purpose of informing policy and addressing areas of concern.

The meeting was organized by the SACMEQ Co-ordinating Centre in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, in Zambia.